Wednesday 31 October 2012

Behind The Scenes

At the weekend I shot a video for my girlfriend, a local illustrator. She wanted a video that she could showcase her skills in a showreel of sorts. For this I filmed her doing screen-printing, drawing and painting. This was my first project using a new camera, the Panasonic HGVX200A. This is a higher quality camera than any of the ones that I have done previously. This was also the first time that me and my friend Chris had worked on a production outside of university, together we are PortProductions, Chris being the main cameraman and me being the main editor of the pair of us. You will definitely hear more about the work that we do over the coming weeks. The final edit of this videos should be on my YouTube channel by the end of the weekend, As should a short documentary about Ancient Egypt that was due a couple of weeks ago however due to program issues there has been a delay. From my Youtube channel you can access my Facebook page as well as check out all of my other videos. Below are some photos from the shoot for you to look at.

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