Monday 12 November 2012

Behind the Set - Lee Smith

In these series of posts named "Behind the Set" is going to focus around editors and the ones that inspire me. These posts will be put up once a week normally on the weekends. I am on a Television Post-Production course however film is where my passion lies. I want to become a film editor and work on major Hollywood blockbusters and I would love every second of it. I would have to say action films are my preferred type of film therefore it would not be too much of a shock to all of you that my inspirations have mostly made action films. 

Lee Smith

Lee Smith has edited many films that I love to watch again and again. Unfortunately I have not been fortunate enough to have seen the final film in the Batman trilogy "The Dark Knight Rises" however in this post I am going to talk about how the previous movie to this "The Dark Knight" became one of my favorite films ever. You feel the love that Harvey Dent has for his love Rachel, in this emotional love triangle between Dent, Rachel and Wayne. You feel like this is a constant battle whether to hang up the mask in favour of love for Rachel. The editing in the film also helps to portray the most fascinating character, I believe possibly ever in film. I am of course talking about the late Heath Ledgers character "The Joker". He again makes you feel like he doesn't care what happens he just wants to kill people. Lee Smith I feel is largely responsible for how the Joker comes across. I have not seen the full movie of Inception however from what I have seen of it, and reviews from other websites is that of it is a fantastic movie, and I maybe biased but I believe what makes a film is the quality of its editing, and if it does not flow and does not have the correct pace or rhythm then it will be awful. However from what I have seen from Lee Smiths films they are incredibly well edited hence why he inspires me.

Next week: Stuart Baird - edited Casino Royale and Skyfall

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